Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Socio-economic practices of zemstvo self-government bodies: Organizing food assistance to the population of Saratov province (1866–1900)

The article is devoted to one of the least studied issues in the field of socio-economic practices of the zemstvo: attempts to resolve the food issue from the creation of the Saratov zemstvo to the adoption of the Temporary Rules on the Food Issue in 1900. The study analyzes the powers of the zemstvo in organizing the grain supply system; activities carried out by the bodies of zemstvo self-government in “peacetime” and during the period of crop failures (famines of 1879 and 1891).

Forms of charitable activities of the Saratov Zemstvo: Social protection of childhood (1870–1910s)

The article presents a case study of one of the important and least researched areas of self-government bodies’ social policy – charitable activities of the Zemstvo in Saratov province. The main attention is paid to the forms of childhood protection and the process of building up a system of Zemstvo’s assistance to orphans and children left without parental care. The paper places a significant focus on the history of creation of the Zemstvo’s orphanage and other institutions of social care for foundlings.

At the origins of the Saratov zemstvo statistics: L. S. Lichkov

Of great importance in the economic activities of the zemstvos was statistical work on determining the socio-economic condition of peasant households, which were the basis of the country’s productive forces. Zemstvo statisticians independently developed and improved the methodology for conducting them. L. S. Lichkov, who was one of the first to join the ranks of Zemstvo statisticians, made his contribution to it.

Social Composition of the Members of the Volost Zemskiy Assemblies of Astrakhan, Orenburg and Stavropol Provinces Elected in August–October of 1917

In the article the results of election of the heads of Volost Zemskiy Assemblies taken place in the South-Eastern provinces of Russia at the end of the February Revolution are analyzed. The author has considered the social and political structure of Volost Zemskiy members, has classified the Zemskiy Assemblies according to the level of democracy and presence as well as has emphasized the importance of the results of the corresponding election campaign for the development of the Zemstvos and Russian society at the end of 1917 and later.

«Rules of an Estimation Immovable Property for Taxation by Zemstvo Gathering» on June, 8th, 1893 and Change of Problems of Zemstvo Statistics

In the 90s of the XIX century in Russia’s zemstvo gubernias appraise work was being done on determining the earning power of the lands intended for agriculture, and also real estate for the purpose of imposing zemstvo taxes. The foundation for that research was laid by ordaining the law «Rules of assessment of real estate for imposing zemstvo fees» on June 8, 1893 which put the performance of zemstvo statistical work under government control.

Preparation of Zemstvo Reform: P. A. Valuev’s Projects (March–July, 1862)

The paper considers the history of the appearance of the Fundamental Beginnings of the zemstvo reforms of July2, 1862. Basing on the analysis of the archive and published sources it is proved that P. V. Valuev viewed zemstvo reform as part and parcel of the project of “Governmental Constitutionalism”.


The paper is thematically linked to the author s paper in «Newsletter of Saratov University». New Series. Ser. History. 2012. Vol. 12, iss. 4. It focuses on the discussion of Valuev’s project of Zemstvo Reform by the representatives of liberal bureaucracy M. A. Korf andG. A. Sherbatov

The history of the Development of Zemsky Reform Concept: “Observations on Zemsky Establishing Project” by N. A. Milyutin

The paper focuses on one of the important aspects of zemsky reform preparation - N. A. Milyutin's observations on Valuev's preliminary draft of zemstvo establishment (Preliminary Essay). The polemic sharpness of Milyutin's “observations” that occured due to promoting his own self-governance model has been traced.

Clerical Culture of National Institutions of Pre-revolutionary Russia and Some Features of the Document Performance in Local Autonomy

Based on documentary sources, the article analyzes the peculiarities of the documentary culture of zemstvo self-government bodies starting from the second half of the 19th century till 1917. The article examines the main types and the types of documents that functioned in the system of documenting the activities of zemstvos and their subordinate institutions.

Books and their Readers in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century (on Materials of the Vyatka Province)

This article examines the question of how the development of education and librarianship influenced the changing interests of readers in Russia in the second half of XIX and the early XX century. The author relies on the study of published and archival materials of the Vyatka province. The comparative analysis of the data of the Zemstvo and library statistics gives the basis to draw a conclusion about the relationship between the readers’ demand and the increase in the number of students of educational institutions.
