Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Theory Cooperation Socialism in the United States, West and Russia at the XIX and the Beginning XX Centuries

In this article the author examine the problem of regional aspects of «cooperation socialism» theory transformation in the United States, the West, the Russia at the of XIX and the beginning of XX century and conclude that the present teachings becam the foundation of transformations of capitalism in the socialism.


В статье на основе архивных документов анализируются изменения в составе партийных организаций региона, вызванные переходом от военного времени к мирному, рост их численности за счет демобилизованных коммунистов, сокращение вновь принимаемых в партию, снижение удельного веса женщин, увеличение категории «служащих».

The national composition of the Saratov region at the beginning of the XXI century: The stages of folding and prospects

The article analyzes the main stages of the national structure`s evolution of the region at the beginning of the foundation of Saratov to its radical transformation at the beginning of the third millennium. The problem of «new» ethnic groups in the modern development of a regional multinational community is considered. On the example of the system`s formation of ethno-confessional cooperation in the Saratov Region, the regularities and distinctive features of the Russian «imperialism» are determined.