Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)



В статье на основе донесений фельдмаршала А. Уйэвелла военному министру Великобритании Дж. Григу рассматриваются подготовка и осуществление ввода британских сил в Иран в августе 1941 г. в рамках совместной операции с Красной армией.


Данная статья посвящена исследованию серьезных трансформаций в системе международных отношений после распада Советского Союза, после которого государства постсоветского пространства были вынуждены выстраивать свою собственную внешнеполитическую линию. Автор также анализирует внешнюю политику Казахстана в контексте формирования новой системы международных отношений. 

Educational Institutions of the System of Labor Reserves: Methods and Results of Solving Personnel Problems of the Soviet Industry in the Postwar Years

The article deals with the problem of functioning in the post war period of educational institutions of the system of labor reserves-schools of the Federal district, vocational and railway schools. The goals, methods and results of these institutions are outlined. There are marked deformities in the functioning of the system associated with the use of methods of coercion against mobilized, as well as unsatisfactory material and living conditions provided to students.

Religion and Soviet Society in the Works of American Observers of the 1930s

The article is devoted to the analysis of American observers’ views on the status of religion in the Soviet society in the 1930s. There were two different groups among them: engineers and workers who came to participate in the industrialization of the USSR, and professional journalists from the United States. Perceiving the socio-political processes that took place in our counrty often in different ways, the American observers agreed on one position.

Accelerated Modernization of the “Nomadic” Regions of the USSR: Goals and Objectives (on the Turn of the 1920s and 1930s)

At the turn of the 1920s and 1930s, the modernization program in the USSR took an accelerated character. In the “nomadic” regions of the country, it took the form of sedentarizing nomads along with collectivization. The completion of these processes, according to the authorities, was to solve not only the problems of modernization of the country, but also the problems associated with the presence of a “nomadic civilization” in the USSR, which was not controlled by the state and was unyielding to Sovietization.

The Soviet Policy Towards the Former Tsarist Concessions in Iran (1921–1927): Regional and International Contexts

The article deals with the Soviet policy towards the former tsarist concessions in Iran in 1921-27. Despite the renunciation of the former tsarist concessions in Iran, the Soviet leadership de facto tried to control the disposal of the strategically most important of them: either through legal instruments or by force. The analysis of the existing sources on the problem demonstrates that at the heart of the policy there were the strategic interests of the Soviet state.

“A panorama of a truly new era opens” (Soviet “experiment’’ in the interpretation of N. V. Ustryalov)

The article examines the public and political position of an outstanding personality of the Russian emigration of the “first” wave of Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustryalov. On the basis of various sources, his attitude to key issues of state construction, formed under the influence of a radical socio-political transformation in Russia, is analyzed.

The Concept of ‘Developed Socialism’ as response of the USSR to ideological and socio-economic challenges of the time (1964–1982)

In the 1960s, Soviet ideology came face to face with new challenges and threats, both internal and external. The leadership of the USSR was aware of these challenges and decided to rework the ideology on the basis of the concept of ‘Developed Socialism’ created in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe. In the Soviet Union, this concept became the ideological basis of the ‘Brezhnev’s society’ and was used to respond to domestic and foreign policy challenges faced by the Soviet Union.
