Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Конференция «Город и общество»

The Russian City as a Social Phenomenon

The Urban space as a social phenomenon is an element of the Russian social system. The author tried to show the specifics of the Russian urbanization trends of the modern transformation of Russian cities.

The Toponymic Landscape of the New District of the City as a Part of the Soviet Policy of Building Communism (on the Materials of Omsk Gorodok Neftyanikov)

The present article is a part of a larger comparative study on the history of everyday life of the new urban area in the USSR during the Khrushchev thaw. The toponimy is the source for the reconstruction of a local variant of the reflection in the urban area of the course of the communism building. We used the methods of the new local history, new social history and theory of urban cultural space.

Saratov’s Urban Space Development in 1953–1985 Years of the Ordinary Man’s Eyes

In this article the reconstruction’s plan in Saratov in 1950 and 1974 years was analyzed. The author has given main attention of the ordinary townspeople’s opinion about Saratov’s reconstruction. Materials on the data of the local press, an interview and the archives were prepared.

«Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette» by P. O. Renoir: Urban Amusements in the Impressionist Art

The author of the article uses an artwork as a visual source for the research. The painting Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette by the great impressionist artist A. Renoir allows studying the scene from daily life in Paris in the last third of the 19th century.

«Golden Age» of Meschanstvo: Urban Daily Routine of Meschanstvo Estate in the 50–60s of the XIX Century

The article provides the analysis of the meschanstvo estate daily routine in the provincial Samara town in the 50–60s of the XIX century. The period of time which precedes the City Reform of 1870 is considered to be “the Golden age” of the meschanstvo estate identity due to the fact that in this very period of time meschanstvo acted especially actively within the town community.

E. E. Viollet le Duc and His Place in History of Study of French Towns in the Middle Ages

The author of this article examine scientific legacy of famous French architect and historian E. E. Viollet le Duc (1814–1879), define his contribution in study of history of French towns in the Middle Ages.

Socio-cultural Environment of Saratov Province District Towns: Fortress-cities in the Late 18th and Early 19th Centuries

The article examines socio-cultural environment (or cultural community) of Saratov province district towns that had been founded as fortresses: Tsaritsin, Kamyshin and Petrovsk. Their social structure did not differ much from that of the other district towns of the province. Their socio-cultural environment was dominated by folk culture marked by legends, traditions and relics that kept the memories of the war-time past of the fortress-cities alive.

City-fortress in the System Management of South-eastern Edge of Russia in the VIII Century

In the article the attempt to trace link between formation and development of the cities of fortresses and management of the southeast suburb of Russia during of the XVIII century is undertaken. Peter the Great reforms touched the field of a state policy and the administrative-territorial structure of Bashkiria. The distribution attempt of the general, unified control system on the territory of Bashkiria was undertaken for the first time during provincial reform in 1708 which is based on the developed urbanistic system.

Urban Policy Of Frederick

The article examines urban policy of Prussian king Frederick II and determines the direction of his actions. The author makes a conclusion that the main components of Frederick’s II policy were attraction of immigrants-professionals to the city and fire-safety security.

Cultural and Intellectual Life of an English City of an Epoch of Restoration in Perception of Contemporaries

In article there is a speech about level of cultural requirements of Englishmen of an epoch of Restoration, about an emotional climate, interests and predilections of English townspeople of second half XVII century.
