Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

план Маршалла

American Domestic Information Campaigns, 1946–1950

One of the controversial issues in the American cold war studies still remains problem of public opinion importance for the government in its foreign policies making. Historians try to seek answer on the question: was it really so important for the American government to have people’s support of its foreign policy or it was just trying to have good image of themselves in public opinion, or may be something else? The author of this article makes an attempt to answer this question through domestic information campaigns of 1946-1950 analysis.

The American Press about the Soviet Russia in 1947

In the present paper the content of the leading American periodicals of different political views about the Soviet Union for 1947 is analyzed. The author explores how and why the popular American periodicals’ attitude has been changed since 1946 and how these changes affected making new images of the recent ally in press. The author used a wide range of periodicals including research one for writing this paper.

The American Technical Assistance: the Experience and Lessons for the "Point-4" (the First half of the XX century)

The article is devoted to the study of the forming of the theoretical and practical basis of the American assistance program for underdeveloped countries during the first part of XX century, which was called the «Point Four». Besides, the strategic context, in which the forming of the program took place, is also analyzed.