Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


“Historian by inclination” and “Zoshchenko in philosophy”: The scandalous career of the writer H. G. Ajemyan

In the 1940s and 1950s, the writer H. G. Ajemyan actively participated in a number of important scientific discussions on history and philosophy: a meeting of historians in 1944, a discussion about the movement of Caucasian mountaineers, a philosophical discussion in 1947, a discussion of a report on the nature of nations in 1957, at which he was the main “troublemaker”.

A. F. Labzin’s Conceptualization of a Man: Ethical Aspect

The author of the article focuses on a personality and world view of A. F. Labzin, the Moscow University graduate, Novikovsky coterie’s disciple, Masonic Lodge founder and vice-president of Imperial Art Academy. Some peculiarities of spiritual life of Russian intellectuals in the first fourth of XIX century are revealed based on analysis of his ethical views (using Zion Bulletin periodical)

Magazine «Zion Bulletin» – Reflection of A. F. Labzin ideas

In the center of attention of the article author is the magazine “Zion Bulletin” that was issued in 1806–1817 by disciple of Novicov’s coterie, the founder of freemason’s lodge and the vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Arts A. F. Labzin. Multivariate analysis of the magazine articles allows to produce it’s religious-philosophical concept and to discover some peculiarities of world outlook of an Alexandrovsky time person.

English Rationalist Philosophers about the Phenomenon of Miracle

The review deals with the analysis of the monograph devoted to the influence of Christian understanding of the phenomenon of miracle on the views of English seventeenth-century philosophers Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. The reviewer’s attention is focused on the way the author of the monograph describes the spiritual atmosphere in which the world view of these thinkers developed, as well as on the historiographical interpretations of their theories.