Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Elfond I. Y. The Treayment of British History in the Works of Historian E. Pasquier. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2, pp. 36-41. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2012-12-2-36-41

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The Treayment of British History in the Works of Historian E. Pasquier

Elfond Iryna Ya., Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov

The paper deals with specifity of a representation of British history by French humanist E. Pasquier. The author attempts to present the special attitude of French historian towards English nation and to find out the ways in forming the image of traditional enemy due to analysis of English and French history’s facts during the Great Migrations, and poque of medieval struggle between England and France. Pasquier devotes the intent attention to Religious confrontation during the Reformation and to the tragic fate of Mary Stuart. The paper’s content demonstrates that Humanist’s negative concept of Englishmen served to creation of image of alien and propaganda of tolerance.

  1. См.: Boutiller P. Recherches sur la vie et la carrière d’Etienne Pasquier, historien et humaniste du XVIe siècle. P., 1989 ; Эльфонд И. Я. Кабинетный ученый и бури гражданских войн : Этьен Пакье // Человек XVI столетия. М., 2000.
  2. См.: Кеlley D. Foundations of modern historical scholarship. N. Y., 1970.
  3. м.: Bütler R. Nationales und universales Denken im Werke Estienne Pasquier. Basel, 1948 ; Sweany S. Estienne Pasquier (1529–1615) et nationalisme littéraire. P., 1985.
  4. Pasquier E. Les Recherches de France. P., 1633. P. 14.
  5. Ibid. P. 30.
  6. См.: Гвоздецкая И. Ю. Англосаксонская история в лицах и конфликтах. Иваново, 2001. С. 10–14.
  7. Ibid. P. 15.
  8. Ibid. P. 31.
  9. Ibidem.
  10. Ibid. Р. 33.
  11. Ibidem.
  12. Ibid. Р. 255.
  13. Ibid. P. 449.
  14. Ibid. Р. 253.
  15. Ibid. P. 454.
  16. Ibid. Р. 251.
  17. Ibid. P. 463.
  18. Ibid. P. 500.
  19. Ibidem.
  20. Ibidem. Фактическая ошибка Пакье – казнь была назначена на 8 февраля.
  21. Дмитриева О. В. Елизавета I. М., 1998. С. 135.
  22. Pasquier E. Op. cit. P. 502.
  23. Ibid. P. 500.
  24. Ibid. P. 501.
  25. См.: Dargaud J. M. Histoire de Marie Stuart : in 3 vols. Bruxelles, 1851. Vol. 3. P. 222.
  26. См.: Fraser A. Mary Queen of Scots. N. Y., 1984. P. 621.
  27. Pasquier E. Les Recherches de France. P. 502.
  28. Ibid. P. 503.
  29. Ibidem.
  30. Ibid. P. 503.
  31. Ibid. P. 504.
  32. Ibidem.
  33. Ibidem.
  34. Ibid. P. 563.
  35. Ibid. P. 532.
  36. Ibidem.
  37. Thicket D. Estienne Pasquier and his part in the struggle for tolerance // Aspects de la propagande religieuse. Genève, 1957.