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History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Pivovarova E. O. The Evolution of George H. W. Bush Administration's Egyptian Policy (1989-1992). Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 96-101. DOI: 10.18500/1819-4907-2018-18-1-96-101

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The Evolution of George H. W. Bush Administration's Egyptian Policy (1989-1992)

Pivovarova Elena O., Saratov State University

The article considers the policy of George H. W. Bush Republican administration towards Egypt. The author analyzes the background, factors of formation, evolution and results of the U.S. Egyptian policy during the period under review.


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