Izvestiya of Saratov University.

History. International Relations

ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

For citation:

Nazarov V. V. On the Role of Zemstvo in the Formation of Civil Society in Russia in the Second Half of the XIX th Century. Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations, 2008, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 25-27.

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On the Role of Zemstvo in the Formation of Civil Society in Russia in the Second Half of the XIX th Century


In the article the role of the institutions of zemsky government in the formation of the civil society in Russia in the second half of the XIX th century is discussed. The participation of representatives of various classes of society in the work of zemstvo, appointment of the members of the zemstvo by election and the possibility to show the initiative in solving social problems allowed zemstvo to become the core of the developing civil society. In the article we pay attention to various forms of social initiative: meetings of zemsky officials, petitions and addresses of provincial and district zemstvo on different subjects. The conclusion of the article shows that the formation of the institutions of local government represented an important sector of country’s modernization. It was one of the moving factors of formation of civil society in Russia which contributed to the democratization of Russian society

Key words: 
  1. Лопата П., Порохнюк Е. Проблемы становления гражданского общества в России // Диалог. 2000. № 1. С. 10.
  2. Подробнее см.: Великие реформы в России: 1856–1874. М., 1992.
  3. Герасименко Г.А. Земское самоуправление в России. М., 1990; Лаптева Л.Е. Земские учреждения в России. М., 1993; Верещагин А.Н. Государство и местное самоуправление в России: теория, исторический опыт и современность // Общество, политика, наука: новые перспективы / Моск. обществ. науч. фонд. Сер. Научные доклады. М., 2000. Вып. 103; ПСЗ–II. СПб., 1867. Т. XXXIX, № 40457.
  4. Земский феномен: Политологический подход: Сб. научн. ст. / Центр славянских исследований при университете Хоккайдо. Екатеринбург, 2001. С. 101–106.
  5. Цит. по: Веселовский Б.Б. История земства. СПб., 1911. Т. III. С. 512.
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