Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Russians in the Balkans in 1876 in the Light of the Personal Origin

The article is dedicated to the memoir heritage of the Serbian war of 1876. The author considers the forming of the views of Russian society on the Balkan conflict and analyses memoirs of V.D. Palenov, A.N. Khvostov, V.P. Mescherskey, N.N. Durnovo. The memoirs represent the actions of Russian volunteers in the Serbian army, the volunteers’ heroism, and shows the concept of the war from ordinary soldiers’ point of view.

Russian-turkish war of 18771878. in a poetic publicism

The article discusses a number of poetry written on the topic of Balkan crisis of the 70's. XIX century. and the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. Examines the views of commentators on the causes and course of the war with the Ottoman Empire, shows the impact on the poetic journalism critical of public sentiment

«Russia from the Pen of a Remarkable Man»: V. P. Meshchersky's Letters to the Grand Prince Alexander Alexandrovich from the Business Trips in Russia

The description of V. P. Meshchersky's business trips in Russia (1867–1868) contained in his letters to the Grand Prince Alexander Alexandrovich is analyzed in the article. The research reveals the possibility of using this historical source on the study of the social and political role of the Russian travelogues created by the Russian conservatism ideologists.

Eugene Tour – a memoirist of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878

The article deals with the memorial heritage of the Russian writer and journalist E. V. Salias de Tournemire. Her memories are devoted to a significant event of the XIX century. - Russo-Turkish war of 1877–1878. The author analyzes the views of the memoirist concerning the causes and course of hostilities with the Ottoman Empire, shows the impact of public forces in the country's foreign policy.