Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Islam in the State Religions Policy of the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

The author of the article analyses the problems of the effective state policy regarding the different religions confessions. The fortunes of the Russian Empire depended on the solution of the problem of interrelations between the state and the different confessions because Russia was the most multi – confessional country of that period (time). The state authority had to take into account the specific character of the situation formed in such region as the North Caucasus.

The Socio-Political Views of P.‑Sh. Leveque (Problem of Russian «Civilization»)

In the article deals with socio-political views of one of brightest representatives of the French Enlightenment era, the historian of Russia P.-Sh. Leveque. The great interest is the analysis of the views by Leveque on the most urgent problems of state and public arrangement of Russia of the XVIIIth century: the reign of Peter I and Catherine II. In considering the topic judgments of the French historian with the ideals of the one of the leading philosophers of the Enlightenment era, D. Diderot were compared.


The paper deals with a problem of reception of medieval French literature during the Renaissance in France. The auther claimes the thesis of formation of two points of view with that matter. The critical one formed by theoriciens of «Pleiade», and evolutional by humanist and Ronsard’s friend E. Pasquier. The late proposed the concept of unity of medieval and Renaissance French literature as well as unity of literature of langu’d’oil and langue d’oc and stating the influence of oxitaine literature on the genesis of early Renaissance Italian poesy.

«Хорошие наблюдатели»: об источниках сведений Д. Дидро о России

Статья посвящена выяснению источников сведений Д. Дидро о России накануне его визита в Петербург. Автор анализирует сочинения и переписку философа и приходит к выводу, что Дидро
был хорошо знаком с основными произведениями европейской россики. Он вел активный обмен мнениями со своими французскими и русскими собеседниками о путях «цивилизации» России.
Взгляды этих «наблюдателей» представлены автором статьи.