Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Rushchuksky group in Russian-Turkish war 1877–1878 (on memoirs of general A.I. Kosicha)

In article memoirs of general A.I. Kosicha of the chief of a staff of 12th army case entering into Rushchuksky group are considered. Sights of the memoirist at the reasons and a course of RussianTurkish war understand 1877–1878 shortcomings of Russian army and as the description of mobilisation expansion, the economic maintenance of group is given are exposed. As parallels in history between Russia and Balkan States are spent.

«Courrier de smyrne»: from the History of the Anti-Russian Propaganda in turkey at the End of the 1820s

The article is devoted to one of the episodes in the history of the development of Turkey periodicals – history of the first steps of the francophone newspaper «Le Courrier de Smyrne». It was published since 1828, by the French citizen who lived in Smyrna, Alexander Blacque. The article describes one of the brightest episodes of the information war on the Turkish side at the final stage of the war of Greek independence.

The national liberation movemen in the Balkans and Russian-Turkish War of 1877–1878 the newpaper «Saratov data sheet»

This article analyzes the publication of the newspaper "Saratov data sheet" during the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878. The author comes to a conclusion about the specifics reflect events in the regional press. The ideas of the Saratov society on the causes of the national liberation movement in the Balkans and Russia's war with the Ottoman Empire

«...Печать по отношению к славянскому вопросу представляет редкое единодушие...» (военная пресса о Русско-турецкой войне 1877—1878 гг.)

В статье рассматривается освещение Русско-турецкой войны 1877–1878 гг. на страницах специальных военных периодических изданий. Привлечены многочисленные источники, которые характеризуют позицию русской прессы. Даются оценки ряда журналов: «Военный Сборник», «Морской Сборник», «Русский инвалид», «Артиллерийский журнал». Показано сотрудничество военной прессы с «гражданскими» журналами и газетами, но в то же время выявлены различия в способе изложения информации о военном конфликте.