Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Health of children employed in a factory production of England in second quarter of the XIX century.

This article examines such aspect of factory production, as the health of children employed on the factories. By means of analysis medical reports and reports of parliamentary committees concerning the question of sanitary conditions in the factories, the author comes to the conclusion that the opinion is exaggerated about the bad influence on health children who employed on the factories, and skeletal deformities are less common among them.

Changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region during the Great World War (1941–1945)

In article there are considered quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region in 1941–1945 years. They were caused by the migration processes (military and labor mobilization, deportation of Germans, evacuation, resettlement), and factors of natural movement.

The Microdemography Analysis of Peasant Morality in Oryol Village at the Beginning of ХХ Century

The article is devoted to the study of level and reasons of mortality in peasant environment of the Oryol province on microdemography level. Based lie with statistics registers of births settlements Oryol province, kept in the State archive of Oryol region. For the study Bolhov typical localities, and Kromsk and Livensk counties of Oryol province were taken.The study of peasantry mortality is important for the study of historical and geographical differences between large regions of Russia. 

On the verge of the survival: youth in conditions social and economic crisis of the 1930th.

In article the vital world of the young man through a prism of a food allowance, medical care, child mortality and social policy of the state is considered. The special attention is paid to studying of current situation in the country in the conditions of crisis of supply of 1939-1941. For deeper understanding of sociocultural processes of the 1930th the phenomenon of the young man taking into account his mental and behavioural characteristics is considered

Daily world of the obstetric institution in Lower Volga region in second half 1950 – first half 1980th years

In this article the change daily practices of the obstetric institution in the period of Khushchev’s and Brezhev’s Soviet reforms were analyzed. This article is based on the vast set of factual materials from the archives, published sources and periodical press.


В статье анализируются колебания жизненного уровня населения Нижней Волги в 1953–1964 гг. Главное внимание сосредоточено на динамке доходов, ценовой политики, производства продуктов питания и товаров народного потребления, естественного движения населения, проявлений девиантности. Эти и другие показатели рассматриваются через призму изменений повседневных практик волжан. Статья основана на богатом фактическом материале, извлеченном из архивов, периодической печати и статистических сборников.