Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

город Йорк

Crime in the English medieval town in the last third of XV century (based on the materials of the city of York)

The article is about the crime rate and crime components in British cities in the last third of the XVcentury. A case study of York City Books points out the peculiarities of crime in the city of York in the affected period. The author concludes that the tense political struggle in England in the second half of the XV century has contributed to the deterioration of the situation.

Город Йорк и англо-шотландские противоречия во второй половине XV века

В статье рассматривается вопрос о месте и роли английских городов в военных конфликтах Англии и Шотландии во второй половине XV века. В качестве объекта рассмотрения взят город Йорк, который не только располагался в пограничном субрегионе, но и играл важную роль во внутренней и внешней политике Англии. В качестве источников в статье использованы записи в городских книгах г. Йорка.

Social and Economic Development of York in the First Third of the 16th Century

In the article the question of position of English country towns in the sphere of economy and social relations is considered. Based on materials of the documents of York processes which occurred in trade and city craft, occurrence of new modes of production and attempt of the city authorities to keep medieval privileges are traced.