Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Женщины в «мужском» небе: от авиатрис до летчиц-истребительниц

В статье прослеживается эволюция становления женщин в летных профессиях. Рассмотрен термин «авиатриса», а также уделяется внимание историям первых женщин, освоивших профессию авиатора, ранее считавшуюся исключительно мужской во Франции и в Российской Империи. Наследие авиатрис начала ХХ века, а именно открывшаяся женщинам возможность войти в профессию, сохранилось и продолжилось в летчицах, а в период Великой Отечественной войны и в женщинах летчиках-истребительницах

On Establishment of the Russian Censorship in the First Quarter of 18th century

The article examines the process of press censorship establishment in the environment of reforms that encompassed all spheres of life of the society in the first quarter of 18th century.

The Sceptic without Illusions (Society and Power in Pobedonoscev`s Political Concept)

Research is devoted the Russian conservative and the statesman. Pobedonoscev created the political concept of necessity of a monarchy in Russia. Its original doctrine about power and society interaction интеесно as an example of conservative thought. Proved historical necessity of the strong power for Russia as in Russian society there are no traditions of independence of the people. His conclusions are paradoxical and represent the big interest.

A. F. Labzin’s Conceptualization of a Man: Ethical Aspect

The author of the article focuses on a personality and world view of A. F. Labzin, the Moscow University graduate, Novikovsky coterie’s disciple, Masonic Lodge founder and vice-president of Imperial Art Academy. Some peculiarities of spiritual life of Russian intellectuals in the first fourth of XIX century are revealed based on analysis of his ethical views (using Zion Bulletin periodical)

Magazine «Zion Bulletin» – Reflection of A. F. Labzin ideas

In the center of attention of the article author is the magazine “Zion Bulletin” that was issued in 1806–1817 by disciple of Novicov’s coterie, the founder of freemason’s lodge and the vice-president of the Imperial Academy of Arts A. F. Labzin. Multivariate analysis of the magazine articles allows to produce it’s religious-philosophical concept and to discover some peculiarities of world outlook of an Alexandrovsky time person.

Authority and moral state of society in post-war period (1946-1953): regional aspect

The article gives the analysis of moral state of society, increased self-consciousness of the  nation-winner, ideological campaigns and relations between the state and the church in the region, commitment of the party and public administration to former methods of government on the basis of archive documents and local periodicals.

Religion and Soviet Society in the Works of American Observers of the 1930s

The article is devoted to the analysis of American observers’ views on the status of religion in the Soviet society in the 1930s. There were two different groups among them: engineers and workers who came to participate in the industrialization of the USSR, and professional journalists from the United States. Perceiving the socio-political processes that took place in our counrty often in different ways, the American observers agreed on one position.