Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Оренбургская губерния

V. A. Perovsky’s campaign to the Ak Mosque in 1853

This article focuses on the military expedition of Orenburg and Samara Governor-General V. A. Perovsky against important Kokand fortress AK-Mosque that stood by the river Syrdarya in 1853, which resulted in the capture of the Kokand fortresses and the stabilization of the situation in the Central Asian caravan routes in the middle of the XIX century.

City-fortress in the System Management of South-eastern Edge of Russia in the VIII Century

In the article the attempt to trace link between formation and development of the cities of fortresses and management of the southeast suburb of Russia during of the XVIII century is undertaken. Peter the Great reforms touched the field of a state policy and the administrative-territorial structure of Bashkiria. The distribution attempt of the general, unified control system on the territory of Bashkiria was undertaken for the first time during provincial reform in 1708 which is based on the developed urbanistic system.

The Imperial Politics of Acculturation: the Historical Experience

The analysis of S. V. Lyubichankovski’s monographs is presented in the review, in which the problem of the use of the education system under the Islamic data in the Russian Empire to the solution of public problems at the regional level is studied. The authors of the review note the importance of the research done by the historian, the peculiarities of the author’s approach, the controversial issues raised in the work. In the reviewer’s opinion, the monograph of S. V.