Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Англия эпохи Тюдоров

“Annales Regni Henrici Septimi” (1504–1505, 1507–1508) by Bernard André: History, Propaganda or Myth-creation?

The article analyzes the so-called “Annales Regni Henrici Septimi” (records of the twentieth and twenty-third years of the reign of the founder of the Tudor dynasty), written by the court poet and royal historiographer Bernard André. Created after the completion of “De Vita atque Gestis Henrici Septimi Historia”, it may have been intended by the author as a draft for a future similar historical work and contain many important details, although due to circumstances it never took the form of a completed work.

Images of Power in Political Prophecies and Astronomy: Henry VII’s “The Book of Astrology” as a Visual Source

The manuscript of Henry VII’s “The Book of Astrology” of the British Library (Arundel MS. 66), in which astronomical treatises and political prophecies are accompanied by numerous illustrations, reflecting various symbols of the royal power of the new dynasty in England, is considered in the article as an imagographic historical source.