Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

католическая церковь

The relation to Catholics in England in Restoration

In article position of Catholics in England in late Stewarts is considered. The basic sources are diaries of contemporaries of S.Pipsa and J. Эвелина. The author of article tries to find out, whether the situation for Catholics with returning to a throne of sons of the executed Charles I has improved, which tended to Catholicism.

The Catholic Church and the colonial policy of France during the Revolutionary period of the late XVIII Century

The article examines the problem of the ideological and policy influence of the Church on colonial politics and the establishment of equality during the 1789 Revolution, based on the material of the Parliamentary Archives, memoirs of contemporaries and an extensive body of scientific literature.