Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Sceptic without Illusions (Society and Power in Pobedonoscev`s Political Concept)

Research is devoted the Russian conservative and the statesman. Pobedonoscev created the political concept of necessity of a monarchy in Russia. Its original doctrine about power and society interaction интеесно as an example of conservative thought. Proved historical necessity of the strong power for Russia as in Russian society there are no traditions of independence of the people. His conclusions are paradoxical and represent the big interest.

Representative Tasks of Power in Soviet Massmedia in 1920th

In this article the author considers the problem of organization and development of soviet massmedia of the 1920, through the representative tasks of power. Besides, we learn the peculiarities of massmedia development conditions. The author picks out the journals, which realize political tasks. He gives the characteristics of all the groups.

Religious practicesof the clergyin the discourseof theimplementationof anti-religious policyin themid-1920s (basedon thematerials of the Samara Province)

This article is motivated to study the process of constructing Soviet society and reconstructing the everyday practices of representatives of religious organizations of the Samara province, who used various ways to counteract the implementation of anti-religious policy pursued by the authorities. The results of the study illustrate various practices used by representatives of various faiths against the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government in order to stop the process of destruction of the religious worldview of the population and consolidate their supporters.

Collaboration in the North Caucasus: Historical Truth or Historical Myth?

The problem of correlation between historical science and State power, between historical fact and historical myth, is analysed in the article on the investigation example of nonsimple ethno-political situation in Northern Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War. The possibility of consigning to oblivion “annoying” historical facts for the sake of momentary political benefit is rejected. The point of the necessity of the synergetic approach to an analysis of any historical phenomena is proved in the article.

The Formation of the Soviet Festive Culture and Perculiarities of its Perception in the Public Mind in 1917 – 1920th.

Soviet power was actively developing the festive culture in the revolutionary period which was aimed at the formation in the social consciousness the power’s conception. But the festive representation was addressed to the proletariat owing to its external expression and form. The urban population of the capitals and other provincial cities, peasantry whose mentality didn’t correspond to the proletarian holidays stayed out of the festive culture. Their holiday’s perception was far from the desired result which the soviet power strived to achieve.

Authority and moral state of society in post-war period (1946-1953): regional aspect

The article gives the analysis of moral state of society, increased self-consciousness of the  nation-winner, ideological campaigns and relations between the state and the church in the region, commitment of the party and public administration to former methods of government on the basis of archive documents and local periodicals.

The National-ethnical formation of the USSR in the post-war period: the main directions and tendencies

The main directions and characteristics of the Soviet State national-linguistic policy in the second half of 1940s - the middle of the 1980s are analyzed in the article. The conclusion about the priority development of the Russian language and its' role in the formation and shaping of the Soviet nation as a qualitively new historical community is made. The specificity of the interaction between the Russian language and the languages of the USSR peoples in the post-war period is studied.


В статье анализируется процесс насильственного перемещения значительных масс населения из «западных» республик СССР в восточные районы страны в послевоенный период. Рассматривается влияние депортированных народов на эволюцию национальной структуры населения ряда союзных республик. Исследуются предпосылки неизбежности, вследствие разрушения системы спецпоселений, очередного этапа радикального изменения национальной структуры республик Северного Кавказа.


В статье исследуются основные аспекты советской национальной политики, направленной на установление и укрепление межэтнического доверия между народами бывшей Российской империи. Анализируется альтернативный проект элит титульных этносов национальных республик, стремящихся к перераспределению ресурсов в свою пользу и ограничению прав национальных меньшинств на самоопределение и самореализацию. Делается вывод о решающей роли политического этнонационализма   в реализации своего проекта развала Союза ССР.

Национальные элиты в позднем СССР (1985–1991 годы): от кризиса межэтнического доверия к развалу единого государства

В статье анализируется роль этноэлит в период нарастания дезинтеграционных процессов в СССР (1985–1991 гг.), приведших
к его распаду. Рассматриваются политические практики, с помощью которых национальные элиты реализовали механизм слома единого государства и создали этнократические режимы на постсоветском пространстве. Делается вывод о мобилизующем значении этнонационализма как мощного оружия против Центра за контроль над республиканскими ресурсами.
