Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Relations with allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens: Difficulties and contradictions (1944– 1945)

The article examines the problems of the history of relations between the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and after its end. The reasons that prevented the return of Soviet citizens to their homeland in 1944–1945 due to the fault of the Anglo-American allies are investigated.

Anti-Fascist Movement of Prisoners of War in the West Siberian Camps of the NKVD-MVD USSR and its Role in Organizing the Labor Process

Anti-fascist movement had a significant impact on the productivity of prisoners in Western Siberia in the postwar years. Camp Division Administration placed great hopes on the anti-fascist committees to build skills in an environment of war high labor and the growth of its efficiency, reduction of occupational injuries, illnesses and deaths; expose the saboteurs, wreckers, instigators, participants in the underground formations and groups.

The Material and Living Conditions Problems of NKVD– MVD Camps in Western Siberia and their Solutions

In this article discusses the basic material and conditioners problems of NKVD–MVD camps in Western Siberia and their solutions in World War II and the postwar period and their influence on the dynamics of the employment fund war prisoners and interned civilians in the Western Siberian region. The author concludes that the unresolved these issues were result of increased health losses, reduced labor fund, low profitability of the camps.

Organization of work of special hospitals for prisoners of war in the Soviet Union in 1945–1950

The article analyzes the organization of the work of special medical institutions (special hospitals) for seriously ill and wounded prisoners of war in the Soviet Union in 1945–1950. Changes in their number, location and functioning in the post-war period are traced. The results of the work of special hospitals, the annual positive dynamics in the results of treatment of patients due to the improvement in the provision of medical personnel, treatment and diagnostic rooms, the supply of medicines and patient care items are shown.

Saratov Zemstvo and Prisoners of War During World War I

The given article considers problems related to the lack of working hands in agricultural sector of Saratov province during World War I. The author concludes that general mobilization most of all effected landlords’ farms of the province. One of the ways to solve the problem of workforce shortage was the wide-spread use of prisoners of war and refugees.

Agreements on the Exchange of Prisoners (Cartels) in the Military History of Russia

The article examines Russian participation in such institutionalized form of prisoner of war exchange as cartels. The author reveals a complex and contradictory mechanism for the formulation and implementation of the cartel; analyzes its advantages and disadvantages in the context of domestic and, in part, foreign experience; comes to the conclusion that under certain circumstances the cartel can be used in the course of modern armed conflicts of both international and domestic character.

Organization of pedestrian crossings of Soviet repatriates to the western border of the USSR (1944–1945)

 The article analyzes the work of the Office of the Commissioner of the SNK of the USSR for the repatriation of Soviet citizens, Military councils, headquarters of fronts and armies for the return of Soviet displaced persons on foot in 1944–1945. The central place in the publication is occupied by the analysis of the organization of the mechanism of pedestrian crossings of released Soviet prisoners of war and civilian displaced persons to the western border of the USSR.