Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Великая Отечественная война

Changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region during the Great World War (1941–1945)

In article there are considered quantitative and qualitative changes in the structure of the population of the Saratov Volga region in 1941–1945 years. They were caused by the migration processes (military and labor mobilization, deportation of Germans, evacuation, resettlement), and factors of natural movement.

Incomes and Consumption of Saratov Region Population during World War II (1941–1945)

The article describes the factors that influenced the level of life and material position of Saratov region urban and rural population in the military conditions of 1941-1945. The problems of receiving incomes from different sources, taxation, the system of state and individual food and primary necessities supply are considered.


В статье на примере Саратовской области рассматривается важная составляющая социальной политики Советского государства в годы Великой Отечественной войны – оказание адресной поддержки слабо защищенным слоям населения. Анализируются характер и масштабы мер материальной помощи семьям военнослужащих, инвалидам войны, матерям и детям, людям, пострадавшим от авиационных бомбардировок. Показывается, что патерналистская социальная политика государства сочеталась с общественной взаимопомощью.


В статье рассматривается развитие системы вневойсковой подготовки резервов Красной армии в период Великой Отечественной войны, включавшую в себя военное обучение в организациях оборонных обществ, в структурах всевобуча и формированиях местной самообороны. Показан вклад Саратовской области в дело обеспечения фронта людскими ресурсами, обученными военному делу. 

Детские будни тылового региона в годы Великой Отечественной войны (на материалах Дагестанской автономной республики)

В статье на основе опубликованных воспоминаний и архивных
документов сделана попытка рассмотреть некоторые аспекты
повседневной жизни детей в Дагестане в годы Великой Отечественной войны. Анализируется роль партийно-государственных
организаций в улучшении условий жизни подрастающего поколения в военное лихолетье. Особое внимание уделяется трудовым будням, образованию и продовольственному обеспечению детей Дагестана в сложных условиях.

Personnel Structure of Broadcasting in Udmurtia during the Great Patriotic War

In the article, the state and development of broadcasting in Udmurtia in the period of the Great Patriotic War is analyzed. Special attention is paid to personnel structure of the Udmurt ASSR broadcasting in the years of war. Large-scale work on expansion of local broadcasting activity is explained by the attention the Central Committee of the All- Union Communist Party (bolsheviks) paid to broadcasting as one of the most important means of ideological and political education and propaganda of workers.

Mobilization of the Public Financial Resources During the Great Patriotic War: the Practice of the Saratov Region

The article substantiates the necessity and possibility of wide attraction of money of the population during the Great Patriotic War, due to which the revenue part of the state budget and inflation control were largely provided. The regional practice of implementation in 1941–1945 of tax policy of the state, mobilization of means of workers through acquisition of bonds of loans, monetary and ware lotteries, placement of deposits in savings banks, and also mass national movement on creation of Fund of defense is analyzed.

On the Eve of the Battle of Stalingrad: the First Half of the 1942 Navigation on the Volga

The paper analyses the condition of the Volga river transportation in the beginning of the 1942 navigation and the peculiarities of its organization. The author demonstrates the outcomes of the measures on improvement of the Upper-Volga, Middle-Volga and Lower Volga Steamship Lines as well as the “Volgotanker” Steamship Line. The paper concludes on the exceptional character of transportation of cargoes, oil included, on the Volga in the period.

Social and Everyday Problems of the Population of Saratov and Ways of Their Solution During the Great Patriotic War

The article shows the state of the housing stock, the work of public services, anti-epidemic measures and the activities of the health system of the city of Saratov as elements of the social policy of the state and the daily life of the population during the great Patriotic war. It is concluded that for objective reasons in the social sphere housing and communal conditions have significantly deteriorated, but the system of medical care of the urban population has coped in 1941–1945 with the tasks assigned to it.

Features of the Protection of the Military Rear in the Initial Period of the Great Patriotic War

Based on the analysis of historical literature and archival sources, the article examines the service and combat activities of the troops of the NKVD of the USSR for the protection of the rear in 1941. The features of the rear protection system during the period of reforming state structures and the restructuring of their activities in wartime are considered. A generalized analysis of misunderstandings and contradictions on the staffing, subordination and use of rear guard units in a combat situation is carried out.
