Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Смутное время

Новые сведения о саратовских воеводах первой трети XVII века

В статье освещаются новые факты служебных биографий саратовских воевод первой половины XVII века – Григория Никитича Орлова и князя Ефима Фёдоровича Мышецкого. Материалом для реконструкции спорных и неизвестных ранее событий из жизни этих людей служат обнаруженные автором статьи в Российском государственном архиве древних актов их собственные челобитные, а также составленные по этим прошениям в Разрядном приказе дела и выписки. Статья сопровождается публикацией этих ценных документов, впервые вводимых в научный оборот.

Саратов в Смутное время (1606–1614)

В статье рассмотрены неизвестные страницы истории Саратова в один из самых драматических периодов истории России начала XVII в. Особое внимание уделено хронологии событий, происходивших в этом городе и участникам так называемого «Саратовского осадного сиденья». Выяснены имена некоторых рядовых защитников Саратова и их дальнейшая судьба

On the Nature of the Administrative Practice of Novgorod the Great during the Period of Jacob de la Gardie’s Governorship (based on the Archive of St. Petersburg Institute of History of Russian Academy of Science)

This article deals with the Swedish presence in Novgorod in 1611–1617, headed by Jacob de la Gardie. The administrative practice of that period is studied in detail. On account of the documents, it became possible to define the national and social structure of the official bodies, assignment procedure and the main principles of paperwork management. For this reason, an analysis of peculiarities and functions of the Novgorod ad- ministration was carried out.

Book review: Rabinovich Yа. N. Southern Pskov settlements in the Time of Troubles

The book about the settlements of the south of the Pskov region in the Time of Troubles was written by a well-known specialist in the history of Russia of the XVII century Ya. N. Rabinovich. It will arouse great interest among researchers and a wide range of readers. The book recreates a complete system picture of the events of the Time of Troubles in the south of the Pskov land. This advantage of the book is determined by the involvement of new material from historical sources, new factography and its conceptual understanding. The study of Ya. N.

Voivode of Saratov Prince Fyodor Petrovich Boryatinsky (1648–1650): Controversial pages of the biography

The article for the first time presents a detailed biography of the governor of Saratov, Prince Fyodor Petrovich Boryatinsky. This prince Rurikovich first distinguished himself in battles on the southern borders of the country in the final period of the Time of Troubles after the election of Mikhail Romanov as tsar. In the autumn of 1613, he freed Starodub from the supporters of the Polish prince Vladislav, participated in the campaign against Gomel, and then fought near Dorogobuzh, defended Moscow in 1618.

Boris Vladimirovich Lodygin, a governor of Saratov (1591–1593)

The article discusses unknown pages in the history of the original Saratov, associated with the stay in this city of the voivode Boris Vladimirovich Lodygin. For the first time, a detailed biography of this serviceman is presented, who, before his appointment to Saratov, as a governor in Kozelsk, participated in the defense of the southern borders of Russia, and then in the RussianSwedish war and the assault on Narva.The author traces the further fate of B. V. Lodygin, who after Saratov served in Putivl and in the Monastyrevsky prison.
