Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The towns of Low Volga Region during the Interregnum (1610–1613)

This article is devoted to the history of the towns of Lower and Middle Volga in the Time of Troubles during the Interregnum. The author investigates consequences from suppression of riots in the cities of the Volga region during the reign of Basil Shuisky, participation military men from Ponizova Volga in the organization of the First and Second militias

Problem of Keeping Military Munitions after the Forced Liquidation of the Old Russia’s Army in 1918

Examining the example of the Volga Garrisons, the article focuses on a pressing problem of keeping the military munitions after the forced liquidation of the old Russia’s Army.

Claass Epp’s Mennonite Migration Activities in Saratov Wolga Region (1850–1854)

The article deals with the history of Mennonite migration in Saratov Wolga Region through the prism of Claass Epp’s activities. The article bases on archival documents and historical sources of personal origin – diaries, letters, memoirs and etc.

Профессор П. С. Рыков — исследователь позднего бронзового века Поволжья, Волго-Уральского и Волго-Донского междуречья

К середине 1930-х гг. профессор Саратовского государственного университета Павел Сергеевич Рыков разработал концептуальные основы процесса культурогенеза бронзового века Нижнего
Поволжья. При этом весьма существенное место он уделил памятникам хвалынской культуры позднего бронзового века. Вслед за работами В. А. Городцова и А. М. Тальгрена исследования
П. С. Рыкова явились весьма важными и до сих пор сохраняют свое значение при разработке проблем эпохи поздней бронзы Поволжья, Волго-Уральского и Волго-Донского междуречья.

China’s Attempts to Form a Military Alliance with the Kalmyk Khanate in the Early XVIII Century

The article is devoted to the relevant topic connected with the coverage of the policy of Imperial Russia in its marginal South-Eastern territories. The author introduces new documents from the archive of foreign policy of the Russian Empire and the National archive of the Republic of Kalmykia. The paper analyzes external and internal factors, special historical conditions and prerequisites for relations between the Kalmyk khanate and the countries of Central Asia.

«On the Battles they Fought, not Sparing their Own Heads…» (The Experience of Reconstructing the History of the 18th Moscow Strelets Regiment)

The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the military history of one of the oldest regiments of the strelets garrison of Moscow, the establishment of which in 1550 marked the beginning of the history of the strelets army. The reconstruction was based on the latest archival data, to some extent, compensating for irretrievably lost documents from the archive of the Streletsky prikaz. The presented material is a historical background, allowing to reveal the little-studied issues of the organization of the strelets service in the XVII century.

Personnel Policy of the State in Forestry of the NEP Period: Problems and Lessons (Based on the Materials of the Volga Region)

The article examines the unexplored in historiography question of the state personnel policy in relation to forestry workers on the example of the Volga region, which in the 1920s was controversial. A major success should take the emergence of the forest Institute in the Tatar ASSR and forestry College in the Penza province, which contributed to the increase in the number of qualified professionals in the region. But the ongoing mass layoffs and separations of workers of forest areas has led to the deterioration of the forest Fund.

A new study on the history of the Russian peasantry during the Civil War

The review presents an analysis of V. V. Kondrashin’s textbook, which, on the basis of a large complex of archival and published documentary materials and scientific literature, recreated a panorama of the relationship of the Russian peasantry with the opposing power structures that appeared and functioned in Russia during the Great Russian Revolution – the Bolshevik government and its political opponents that arose during the Civil War, white and other regimes.

Failed return: Germans in the Volga region. 1955–2010

The article examines the attempts to return the Volgagermans, deported in 1941, to their places of pre-war residence. The author gives a periodization of these processes and reveals the features of each period. Attempts to relocate to the Volga from Siberia and Kazakhstan began to be undertaken since 1956 after the abolition of the special settlement regime for the Germans (1955). Until the end of 1972, they were illegal, the settlers faced many difficulties, since there was a ban on the return of the Germans to the places of the pre-war accommodation.