Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

история России

O. I. Pantuhoff Like a Symbol of Russian Scouts Unity

In this article the author considers history of Russian scouts movement in the emigration and role that play in this organization Chief Scout of Russia Oleg Pantuhoff. The author shows danger of crushing and disappearance of the scout organization abroad and then analyses uniting role which in this situation has played O.I. Pantjuhov. This work is written mainly for specialists of history of the Russian Scout movement, but it can be useful for historians who specialized in the history of Russian emigration and youth movements too.

Project about medals by Francesco Algarotti

The article discussesthe project aboutthemedals of Francesco Algarotti. In his «Essay on Russian History in Medals», Algarotti proposed to perpetuate important events in the history of Russia in medals, thus noting the periods of the reign of Peter I, Anna Ioannovna, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II. The author of the article comes to the conclusion that Algarotti’s essay contributed to the creation of an objective image of Russia in the eyes of the enlightened part of Europeans and strengthened the prestige of Russia as a power.