Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Freemasonry in pre-revolutionary France (1773–1789)

The article examines the events of the Masonic history of pre-revolutionary France. The author focuses on the formation of national structures of French Freemasonry. The participation of the ruling dynasty in the process of transformation of the “English” lodges into the structures of the Grand Orient of France is noted. The efforts of Masonic leaders on the eve of the French revolution are characterized.

I.A. Fessler in Volga Region

In Russian and European historiography D. V. Gorbachev’s article presents the first example of a critical analysis dealing with memoirs of I. A. Fessler, being a German thinker, public and religious figure, writer and freemason. The author purposes to estimate the reliability of information about Fessler’s stay in Saratov Volga region in 1810–1820th which is described in these memoirs. In connection with this aim author ascertains the subjects, which are passed by Fessler over (circumstances of his journey from St.

Architects of New Masonry in England (1646–1723)

The article is devoted to topical issues of the Masonic movement in England at the turn of the 17th–18th centuries. Particular attention is paid to the development of the New Masonry in England. The author analyzes the most pressing issues of the transformation of the national Masonic organization. The activities and views of the organizers of the New Masonry are considered.

«Шотландский след» в масонском движении Британии

Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам истории масонского движения в Шотландии XVI века. Основное внимание сосредоточено на происхождении просветительского масонства.

Объединенная Великая ложа Англии: история создания

Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам истории масонского движения в Англии XVIII века. Основное внимание сосредоточено
на происхождении Великой ложи Англии.

«Протоколы сионских мудрецов»: антимасонский аспект

Статья посвящена актуальным вопросам масонского движения XX столетия. В центре внимания автора –пропагандистский феномен «Протоколов сионских мудрецов», рассматриваемый в контексте попыток национальной (в России) и глобальной дискредитации структур «вольных каменщиков».

The Freemasons: Mystics, Enlighteners, Revolutionaries

The focus of the author are the events of the European Masonic movement in the XVII – XVIIIth centuries. Analysis of sources helped to illuminate the causes the course of the reform of “old masonry” in Britain in the Modern history. It is shown that the change agents were the intellectuals, members of the Royal Society. Their aim was wide-ranging reforms society in the spirit of the concepts of the Enlightenment. As the author proves, new Grand Lodge actively exported their practices to Europe and North American colonies.

The Age of Enlightenment and the transformation of freemasonry in England

The article studies the topical question of the masonry movement in England’s of the 18th century. It particularly focuses on the history of the Grand Lodge of England. The author touches upon a very important problem of the national Masonic organizations’ transformation. The close connection of the “new” Freemasonry with the events in post-revolutionary England is emphasized.