Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Activity of Authorized Council of the Russian Orthodox Church affairs in the Multicultural National Region: Characteristics and Problems (Dagestan ASSR as an Example)

In the present article, the author’s attention is focused on the activities of the regional authorized agents of the Council for Russian Orthodox Church in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic in the postwar period. There are the basic complexes of problems faced by the authorized agents in the multinational region at that time. Among them are processes associated with renovation churches in the republic and issues related to the registration of the Orthodox churches.

Social Security of the Population in Dagestan in the 1920s – the First Half of the1930s

On the basis of new archive documents the question of social security of the population in Dagestan in the first time of Soviet government is considered. The social security system in the beginning of its work experienced problems related to the scope of the workers. One of the features of development of social security in 1930s was its excessive state participation or paternalization. The budget of the social security was consolidated into the state budget. Insurance of people engaged in farmer’s sector has a big political importance.

Creation and deployment of scientific institutions for the study of Dagestan in the 20s of the 20th century

The article considers the activities of the authorities of the republic on the creation of scientific institutions in the region in the 20s of the twentieth century by using diverse factual material. In conclusion, the author comes to a reasonable conclusion that in the period under review, the first research institutes and laboratories began to function in the region, despite significant difficulties.

“Godless hard times”: On the issue of the anti-church policy of the Soviet state (1917–1920) (scenario of Dagestan)

The article shows the relationship between the state and the Orthodox Church during the 1917 revolution and the civil war. The reasons for the transformation of politics in relation to the most influential confessional structure are analyzed. One of the vectors of policy towards the Orthodox Church was a large-scale and uncompromising struggle within the framework of atheistic propaganda and agitation. The geographical area chosen is the national subject of the Russian state, Dagestan as a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional region.