Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

внешняя политика США

The U.S. “War on Terror” before 9/11: Framing the concept

The article examines the process of framing the concept of the “War on Terror” in the United States during the 1980–1990s and demonstrates the continuity of its key ideas and principles over two decades. The basic components of the concept, like the perception of the terrorism as a form of asymmetrical warfare, the declaration of the U.S. global mission to terminate the terrorist threat, the emphasis on use of military force for fighting against terrorism, the justification of a preemptive strike, were developed in the Ronald Reagan administration, adopted by George H.

American Domestic Information Campaigns, 1946–1950

One of the controversial issues in the American cold war studies still remains problem of public opinion importance for the government in its foreign policies making. Historians try to seek answer on the question: was it really so important for the American government to have people’s support of its foreign policy or it was just trying to have good image of themselves in public opinion, or may be something else? The author of this article makes an attempt to answer this question through domestic information campaigns of 1946-1950 analysis.

Perspectives of the ‘New Silk Road’ Strategy in the context of NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan

The article focused on the issue of implementation of the ‘New Silk Road’ strategy. Author analyses the key conditions, risks and opportunities, which may affect the success of the Project. It also examined the role of Central Asian countries, as well as the Mid Eastern partners, China and Russia in the field strengthening of regional security after 2014

The “Great Game” in the Caspian Region: the Kremlin’s Move (2004)

The article is devoted to the study of the Russian-American relations in the Caspian region that were entitled “The Great Game”. Analyzing one of the stages of these relations (spring-autumn 2004) that was marked by the higher activity of the V. Putin’s Government, the author has come to the conclusion that “the Kremlin offensive” was stipulated by the presidential campaign in the USA, and the necessity to oppose the China’s penetration into Central Asia.