Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Formation of a research base on the Saratov voivodes of 1590–1700

The article deals with the question of how the accumulation of information about the leaders of Saratov, who served here since the founding of the city and up to the beginning of the XVIII century. It is shown how this process is connected with the publication of various documentary sources during the XIX – early XX centuries, with the publication of genealogical collections and biographical dictionaries, as well as with the creation of the Saratov Academic Archival Commission. The names of the researchers who dealt with this issue are given.

Golden Steward Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev

From the XV century in the Russian state, an award for certain military merits is known in the form of rewarding those who distinguished themselves, or those who participated in a particular military campaign, with gilded silver or gold coins. The Moscow Kremlin Museums keep a gold award with an owner’s inscription stating that it was granted in 1639/40 to the stolnik Vasily Grigorievich Fefilatiev. This is the oldest personalized Russian award to date. It was possible to establish that the gold was awarded for the Saratov service in 1636.

Personalities of the Time of Troubles: Feodor Timofeevich Chernovo-Obolensky

In the center of attention of the article is the life of one of the little-known figures of the Time of Troubles, who was in the center of events, related to the formation of the Novgorod-Swedish political union, and the negotiations in Yaroslavl between the leaders of the Nizhny Novgorod’s militia and Novgorod’s citizens. The author considers the following life of this person in detail, his joining the government of Michael Romanov, his post of voevoda of Saratov, taking part in the construction of a new fortress in Astrakhan.

Voivode of Saratov Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov (1660–1662)

The article presents for the first time the biography of the Saratov voivode Ivan Ivanovich Kosagov, the father of the famous General Grigory Kosagov. I. I. Kosagov began his service at the court of Tsar Mikhail Romanov in 1620 at the age of 17, and before that he served with the patriarch for several years, like many of his ancestors. Becoming a Moscow nobleman in 1631, he received his first appointmenttothe voivodeship in Yuriev-Polsky,thenmainly served onthe southern borders. It is said about his regimental service in Mtsensk, Lomov, Tula.

Personalities of The Time of Troubles: Semeon Gavrilovich Korobyin

In article unknown pages of history of struggle between Russia, Poland and Sweden in the Time of Troubles are considered. For the first time voivode and diplomat Semeon Gavrilovich Korobyin’s detailed biography is presented. He participated in the revolt of Bolotnikov, and then has come over to the side of Vasily Shuisky, battled against Lzhedmitrij II, released Moscow from Poles in 1611–1612.

The Voivode of Saratov Grigory Ivanovich Feofilatyev (1634–1637)

In article unknown pages of history of the left bank of Saratov are considered. They are associated with staying in the city voivode Grigory Ivanovich Feofilatev. For the first time detailed biography of this figure of the Time of Troubles is presented. He participated in the revolt of Bolotnikov, and then has come over to the side of Lzhedmitrij II. The author traces future destiny of this man, who in the reign of Michael Romanov was a voivode in Alatyr, Kasimov, Surgut, and ambassador to Persia.

The founder of Tomsk Gavrila Ivanovich and the unknown governor of Saratov Yakov Gavrilovich Pisemsky: Biography pages

The article for the first time presents the biography of the previously unknown governor of Saratov Yakov Gavrilovich Pisemsky, as well as his father, Gavrila Ivanovich,the founder ofthe city of Tomsk. Yakov Pisemsky began his service as an elected nobleman in Tula, then became a Moscow tenant, for some time he was the steward of Patriarch Filaret, and from March 1628 until the end of his life – a Moscow nobleman. Service as governor in Saratov in 1642–43 was the last step in his life.

Voivode Stepan Vasil’evich Chemesov – Saratov fortress builder (1630–1631)

In the article are the unknown aspects of the left bank of Saratov associated with being in this city voivode Stepan Vasil’evich Chemesov and building of a new fortress. First is a detailed biography of this figure of the Time of Troubles, which participated in the Volok’s defense from the Poles, in the fighting near Tikhvin and Putivl. Author traces the further destiny of this man, who in 1630 led the building of a new Saratov fortress

«New Saratov Chronicle» about the events of 1616–1641 years in the Saratov

The article describes the unknown pages of history of Saratov all over a quarter century, since the restoration of the city at the end of the Time of Troubles on the left bank of the Volga. First a detailed chronology of all of the currently known events that took place in this city for years 1616-1641 is presented, and characteristic of "Saratov Chronicle" made up 120 years ago, and indicate the main sources on the history of this period of Saratov

Boris Vladimirovich Lodygin, a governor of Saratov (1591–1593)

The article discusses unknown pages in the history of the original Saratov, associated with the stay in this city of the voivode Boris Vladimirovich Lodygin. For the first time, a detailed biography of this serviceman is presented, who, before his appointment to Saratov, as a governor in Kozelsk, participated in the defense of the southern borders of Russia, and then in the RussianSwedish war and the assault on Narva.The author traces the further fate of B. V. Lodygin, who after Saratov served in Putivl and in the Monastyrevsky prison.