Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Development of a Network of Rural Settlements of the Saratov Area in the End of 1950–1970

In clause evolution of a network of rural settlements of the Saratov area for the historical period between censuses 1959 and 1979 is analyzed. The author marks, that the tendencies of development of the system of rural moving of the Saratov area per 1950–1970 were reduction of number of small rural settlements: first of all farms and villages, integration of settlements, growth of number of villages and settlements. Finally these processes rendered essential influence on an agrarian policy in which there was a support by the state of large settlements on village. 

Kalmyk National District and the problem of choosing its administrative center

This article is devoted to the formation of the Kalmyk National District on the Don and the problem of determining its administrative center at the turn of the 1920–1930s. The author, noting the positive phenomena that occurred in the life of the Don Kalmyks as part of the national district (education, preservation of national identity), draws attention to the artificial nature of the creation of this national district in the absence of compact residence of the Don Kalmyks.

Saratov village during the Great Patriotic War: The mobilization policy of the state and the practice of survival

The article examines the state of agriculture and the financial situation of rural residents of the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War from the point of view of the mobilization model of the Soviet economy. The specific indicators and ways of implementing the state policy in the region to maximize the mobilization of human, logistical, food and financial resources of the village in the interests of the army, the impact of this factor on the livelihoods of the population are analyzed.

The Process of Municipalities Enlargement in Saratov Region as a Factor of Alteration of the Rural Settlement Structure at the Present Stage

Based on the analysis of the statistics on the alteration of the administrativeterritorial division of Saratov region, the historical process of municipalities enlargement and the change of number of rural and urban settlements is being examined and compared. The examination of rural resettlement is relevant in connection with the reorganization of the system of local government in the Russian Federation.