Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Relations with allies in the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens: Difficulties and contradictions (1944– 1945)

The article examines the problems of the history of relations between the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition in the process of repatriation of Soviet citizens at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and after its end. The reasons that prevented the return of Soviet citizens to their homeland in 1944–1945 due to the fault of the Anglo-American allies are investigated.

Organization of propaganda, cultural and educational work among Soviet repatriates (1944–1946)

In the Russian historical science there are almost no studies devoted to propaganda, mass cultural and educational activities of the Department of Plenipotentiary of Soviet Union on repatriation of Soviet citizens amongthe Soviet displaced persons duringthe Great Patriotic War and after it. The article analyzes the propaganda, mass cultural and educational work of the Administration of the Plenipotentiary of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars, political organs, the administration of collecting-transfer points and collection camps in 1944–1946.

Repatriation of Soviet citizens by rail (1944–1945)

The article examines the role of railway transport in the repatriation of Soviet citizens at the final stage of the Great Patriotic War and after its end, the main directions of organizational work of the Office of the Commissioner of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars for the Repatriation of Soviet Citizens, its representatives abroad, Military Councils of Fronts and armies, NKPS, local authorities and the Administration for the return of Soviet citizens by rail.

Organization of pedestrian crossings of Soviet repatriates to the western border of the USSR (1944–1945)

 The article analyzes the work of the Office of the Commissioner of the SNK of the USSR for the repatriation of Soviet citizens, Military councils, headquarters of fronts and armies for the return of Soviet displaced persons on foot in 1944–1945. The central place in the publication is occupied by the analysis of the organization of the mechanism of pedestrian crossings of released Soviet prisoners of war and civilian displaced persons to the western border of the USSR.