Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The Noble Family of Bekhteevs in Russian History (15th – Early 20th Centurie)

The article deals with the history of the Russian noble family of Behteevs from the end of the XV century until the revolution of 1917 and the civil war in Russia that followed. The author studies the most famous Yelets-Voronezh branch of the Behteev family, the representatives of which played an important role in the history of the Russian state for several centuries.

“European Ideological Path has been Passed over…” (Eurasian Stance of Nickolay Trubetskoy

The article considers public and political stance of one of the respected thought leaders within the Russian “first wave” emigration, a front man of the Eurasian community, duke Nickolay Sergeevich Trubetskoy. His attitude to the key issues of state-building formed under the influence of radical societal transformation in Russia has been analyzed on the basis of different sources.

Phenomenon of Bolshevism as it is Perceived by Russian Emigration

The author considers the emigrant experience of understanding the Soviet regime that was born under the influence of Russian empire collapse and radical political transformations in 1917. Based on different sources, dynamic of Russian natives’ public moods throughout 1920 (the one that was affected by European life, inter-emigrant political struggle and Bolshevistic state-building) is analyzed.

“A panorama of a truly new era opens” (Soviet “experiment’’ in the interpretation of N. V. Ustryalov)

The article examines the public and political position of an outstanding personality of the Russian emigration of the “first” wave of Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustryalov. On the basis of various sources, his attitude to key issues of state construction, formed under the influence of a radical socio-political transformation in Russia, is analyzed.