Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

education system

Pioneer literature of the 1920s as an educational practice of the soviet Government

The article analyzes the literature of the pioneer organization in order to display the basic principles of the state educational policy for children in the 1920s. The main types of pioneer literature of the 1920s are considered: organizational documentation, in particular, the Charter of the pioneer organization, periodicals, fiction, pioneer folklore(chants, songs, etc.).

The Educational Reform of Alexander I: Some Judgments and Evaluations in the Russian Historiography of the XIX – Early XX Centuries

One of the important directions of the state policy of Alexander I was the implementation of the educational reform. Its result was the creation of the public education system in Russia. The article presents the evaluations and judgments on the matter, which are contained in the works of Russian researchers, published in the XIX – early XX centuries.