Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


The King’s Power and the Basic Tendencies of its Development during the AngloSaxon Period from VII c. till the Beginning of the IX Century

The article focuses on one of the main aspects of the formation and development of the AngloSaxon state system – the emergence, essence and evolution of the Royal power from the VII c. till the beginning of the IX century.

The Legal Status of a Slave in the Early Medieval England

The article is about slavery in the early medieval England, a problem poorly discussed by Russian scholars. Slave’s legal status and capacity are under consideration. The author draws a conclusion that slaves in the Anglo-Saxon society possessed a certain degree of the legal capacity though diminished by comparison to that of the freemen. Slaves bore responsibility for their misdeeds, could have a family and own a property.