Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


On the History of Domestic Acculturation of the Kazakhs and the Tatars in the Russian Empire of the 19th Century

Cohabitation of the Tatars and the Kazakhs in the Russian Empire brought to life a process of mutual acculturation. On the basis of testimonies of contemporaries, its manifestations in everyday life were reconstructed: changes in traditions related to home improvement, food intake, attitudes towards clothing items. It is concluded that the recorded changes are fundamental and allow us to speak on a concrete example of the gradual formation of a single social and cultural space of the Empire.

The Imperial Politics of Acculturation: the Historical Experience

The analysis of S. V. Lyubichankovski’s monographs is presented in the review, in which the problem of the use of the education system under the Islamic data in the Russian Empire to the solution of public problems at the regional level is studied. The authors of the review note the importance of the research done by the historian, the peculiarities of the author’s approach, the controversial issues raised in the work. In the reviewer’s opinion, the monograph of S. V.