Izvestiya of Saratov University. History. International Relations. 2009, Vol. 9, iss. 2

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Отечественная история
Kochukov S. A.
Imaginary or Real Necessity of War with Ottoman Empire per 1877–1878? (on materials of sources of a personal origin)
Mikhel D. V.
The formation of medical microbiology in Russia and the problem of cholera, 1885–1910
Varfolomeev Y. V.
«A Charter of liberties of Department of police … » (Police provocation on materials of Extraordinary Committee of investigation of Temporary Government)
Всеобщая история
Dementyeva V. V.
Historical Memory of Romans as an Object of Modern Studies of Antiquity (new papers on pompa funebris and imagines maiorum)
Zimina N. G.
American Missionaries in the Osmanic Empire in the XIX Century and Beginning of XX Century
Koroleva О. V.
Holidays and Everyday Life of «the Great Mogul» through the Eyes of the First English Travellers (late XVI – early XVII Centurie)
Региональная история и краеведение
Morozov A. G.
Preschool Educational Institutions in Kazan Educational Division in the Beginning of the 20th Century
Cholakhyan V. A.
Living Conditions and Comfort of Cities of the Bottom Volga Region in 1920–1930 Years
Yakovlev S. A.
Electrification of Agricultural Industry of the Volga Region in the Second Part of XX Century
Захарова И. Е.
From the Circle of Reading Provincial Clergy of the Begin‑ ning of a XIX-th century