Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


On the role of the Czechoslovak Corps in the Expansion of the Civil War in Russia

The book by M. A. Vasilchenko reveals the degree of participation of soldiers and officers of the Czechoslovak Corps at the initial stage of the Civil War in the Volga region. The monograph traces the process of transformation of Czech units from an integral part of the Russian army into a national military formation pursuing narrow national interests in the conditions of Civil War. The author introduces the concept of “autonomization” into scientific circulation, which is successful enough to describe this process.

Social Policy of Committee of Members of the Constituent Assembly (1918)

In article the main directions of social policy of Committee of members of the Constituent assembly, attempt of the solution of working and country questions in the conditions of Civil war in Russia are considered, the conflict reasons between the people and the power are analyzed.


In the article one of the loudest judicial and political processes in Russia in the early XX century is discussed, wherethe Social Revolutionary S. V. Balmashev was sentenced to death penalty (he was son of the famous saratovnarodnik V. A. Balmashev) for the murder of the Minister of Interior D. S. Sipyagina - terrorist attack, which initiated the so-called "Central terror" of the Social Revolutionaries.

Tatyana Leontyeva and «Mukden russian revolution»

The following article seeks to analyze the personality and activities of Tatyana Leontyeva, who represents a typical case essential for understanding the specifics of the phenomenon of female terrorism in Russia in the beginning of XX century. Within the scope of the analysis we shall examine the turning point in the history of the Socialist-Revolutionary Combat Organization, namely, the defeat of its St. Petersburg Committee in March 1905.


Настоящая статья посвящена одному трагическому событию из истории российского революционного движения начала ХХ века: самоубийству в Бутырской тюрьме члена партии социалистов-революционеров террориста М. В. Бибикова. О герое данного события нет упоминаний в исторической литературе. Между тем в свое время оно сильно взволновало российскую общественность. На основании обнаруженных в архиве материалов, периодики тех лет и мемуарных источников впервые воспроизводится канва трагических событий, разыгравшихся в Бутырской тюрьме 100 лет назад.