Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

эпоха викингов

Wolf, Raven and Serpent Images in the Old Norse Weapon Symbolism

In the current article the author makes an attempt of interpretation of three most significant animal symbols of Viking Age – the Wolf, the Raven and the Serpent – in their mythological, ritual and social sence. The author’s aim was to demonstrate and analyze the indissoluble connection between bestial symbolics and the cult of weapons, the inherent part of the Old Norse mythologic and poetic traditions, in the different aspects.

The Northern Realm of Canute the Great in Historiography

The article analyzes the place of king Canute the Great’s (1016 – 1035 state in foreign and national historiography. Most of the works published today in different languages are considered. Until now, such work has not been published in Russian.