Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

повседневная жизнь

Medieval London during the plague (1348–1351): Some aspects of social life

The article examines certain aspects of the social life of the City during the period of the plague (1348–1351) based on the documentation of the London Magistrate. It is shown that the Black Death dealt the most severe blow to the capital’s guilds, depriving them of workers and temporarily disorganizing production, which affected both the quality of manufactured products and relations inside trade and craft corporations, contributing to their further decline.

Some Delinquencies in the Daily Life of the German Population of the Saratov Right-Bank Volga Region and Struggle with Them (1768–1917)

The article is devoted to the analysis of delinquencies in the daily life of the German population of the Saratov Right-Bank Volga Region and the preventive punishments. The author examines the questions of division of property. Particular attention is paid to delinquencies connected with relations between the colonists, author analyses and shows different perception of the law and moral norms by the German population.

The Istoben Trinity Monastery in the XVII - early XVIII centuries: sociocultural and economic aspects

The purpose of the article is to consider the conditions and factors of the creation and development of small monasteries in the Vyatka and Velikopermskaya Diocese in the XVII – the first quarter of the XVIII centuries illustrated by the Istoben Trinity Monastery. Special attention is focused on the study of the economic, social and spiritual aspects of life in the monastery. The article shows how the local features of the monasticism developed with the all-Russian processes in the background. 


На основе «Описания елизаветинской Англии» У. Гаррисона в статье исследуется один из аспектов повседневности англичан конца XVI в. – их увлечение садоводством. Автор показывает, что Гаррисон, принадлежавший к сообществу ранних антикваров, знакомил читателей с разнообразными растениями, произраставшими в садах англичан, и достижениями его современников в садоводстве, основанными на практическом применении научных знаний.

Foreign Specialists at the Industrial Enterprises of the Lower Volga Region in the 1920s–1930s

The article discusses the participation of foreign experts in the construction and reconstruction of industrial enterprises of the Lower Volga region in 1920–1930s. In the framework of the methodological concept of social history and the history of everyday life issues of productivity, socio-cultural and social adaptation of foreigners, their relationships with Soviet colleagues, with the administration of the are addressed. The article is based on the archival materials introduced into scientific circulation for the first time.