Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Самарская губерния

Missionary activity of the co-religionist clergy of the Samara province in the second half of the 19th – early 20th century

The article presents an overview of the activities of the co–religionist clergy in the context of the struggle of the Russian Orthodox Church with the Old Believer schism in the Samara province of the second half of the XIX – early XX century. The co-faith is considered as a missionary platform, on the basis of which it became possible for Old Believers to reunite with Orthodoxy on the conditions of preserving the pre-Canonical liturgical practice.

Religious practicesof the clergyin the discourseof theimplementationof anti-religious policyin themid-1920s (basedon thematerials of the Samara Province)

This article is motivated to study the process of constructing Soviet society and reconstructing the everyday practices of representatives of religious organizations of the Samara province, who used various ways to counteract the implementation of anti-religious policy pursued by the authorities. The results of the study illustrate various practices used by representatives of various faiths against the anti-religious policy of the Soviet government in order to stop the process of destruction of the religious worldview of the population and consolidate their supporters.

“The Krivolutchie schismatics use violence the most…”: About the formation of the same faith in the Nikolaevsk district of the Samara province (1850–1860s)

Onthe basis of archivalmaterials,the article examinesthe initial period oftheformation ofthe “secular” coreligionism inthe Nikolaevsk district after its incorporation into the Samara province. The accession of the Old Believers to the ROC was carried out by bureaucratic methods, which subsequently led to the repeated deviation into the split of the majority of newly minted coreligionists.