Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)


Impeachment against Clarendon and its significance for political life of the Age of Restoration

In the 1667 former Lord Chancellor Edward Hyde, earl of Clarendon was impeached by the House of Commons. Having carefully analyzed the text of the blame the author comes to conclusion that the charge was fabricated and pursued two main aims: firstly, it was directed to destroy a reputation of Clarendon and thereby negate his influence in the House of Lords, secondly, it was directed to blamed him for mistakes of the government and so legitimated the current power.

Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and his “History of the Rebellion” in the opinion of English intellectuals of the first half of 18th century

The paper represents principal points of view on Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, and his “History of the rebellion and Civil wars in England” (1702-04), expressed by English intellectuals of the first half of the 18th century. It also reconstructs aesthetical and political contexts which brought up these notions. Special attention is paid to Mr. Oldmixon’s revisionist conception on this “History” and its criticism by his opponents. 

The Struggle of the «Old» and «New» Patricians in London in the Last Quarter of the 14th Century

The article is devoted to the struggle of the «old» and «new» patricians in London at the end of the 14thcentury. At that time the guild masters, led by the traders of textile goods, opposed the oligarchic merchant regime ofvictualing guilds. In 1381‑1383 the democratic opposition gained the upper hand, and their leader –a draper John Northampton ‑ became mayor of the capital. He organized socio-economic and political reforms in the interests of wide layers of the population.

The beginning of the Anglo-Russian Diplomatic Confrontation within the Frame of the «Eastern Question» («The Ochakov Crisis» of 1791)

The article describes the peculiarities of the Anglo-Russian diplomatic controversy at the first stage of the «Eastern Quiestion». Much attention is paid to the British intervention in the course of the Russo-Turkish conflict of 1787–1791 in order to seize the control over peace negotiations.

Italian Impressions of H. Walpole

The article is devoted to the analysis of events concerning the Italian Tour undertaken by H. Walpole in 1739-1741. Young English aristocrats set off for a Grand Tour to the continent to complete their education. Horace Walpole was a representative of the mid-18th century English culture. He was active in many fields, but the article focuses on the impact of the everyday Italian culture on the views of young Walpole

English Diplomacy and Diplomats in the Ottoman Empire (the Beginning of Cooperation)

The article deals with the activity of the first English ambassadors in Istanbul. The mission of London’s diplomatic representatives in the Ottoman Empire, at the peak of its prosperity, is described by the author in close connection with the regional interests of the English Levant Company.

John Henry Newman and the Oxford Movement

John Henry Newman is one of the central figures in spiritual life of England of the XIX century. The author considers the development of his religious views up to the conversion to Catholicism in 1845.


Братство прерафаэлитов было основано в 1848 г., когда промышленный переворот подходил к своему завершению. Используя публикации участников братства прерафаэлитов и их круга, автор показывает отношение художников к развивающимся наукам и акцентирует внимание на том, как связь между искусством и науками воплощалась в живописных произведениях прерафаэлитов.

Судебно-правовая система Англии в восприятии антиквариев XVI века

В статье рассматривается проблема восприятия судебно-правовой системы Англии антиквариями XVI века. На материале «Описания елизаветинской Англии» У. Гаррисона и «Британии» У. Кэмдена автор показывает, что ранние антикварии обосновывали идею преемственности английской судебной системы от правовой культуры англосаксов и элементов континентального права, отмечали смешанный характер английской судебно-правовой системы, многообразие и многоуровневость ее институтов.

The Northern Realm of Canute the Great in Historiography

The article analyzes the place of king Canute the Great’s (1016 – 1035 state in foreign and national historiography. Most of the works published today in different languages are considered. Until now, such work has not been published in Russian.
