Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

«Leprous Court Camarilla»: Investigation of Activity of «Dark Forces» of Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry of Provisional Government

The paper addresses the problem of the influence of the camarilla of internal and external policies of the last Russian emperor. Based on the analysis of materials of the Extraordinary Commission of Inquiry of Provisional Government, and other sources in the article assesses the role and importance of the camarilla in policy decisions Nicholas II. The article concludes that the camarilla, the so-called «dark forces», along with other negative factors, have played a fateful role in the fate of the country.

Агентурная работа ОГПУ в буддийских общинах в советской России в 1920-е гг.

В современной историографии история буддийского обновленческого движения является одной из наиболее популярных тем, однако история «нирванистского», «тарабаевского» и прочих менее известных направлений в буддийской Сангхе не изучена достаточно полно. Между тем сравнение истории этих движений позволяет по-новому взглянуть на историю буддийских общин в советской России. Анализ информационных документов ОГПУ позволяет выявить ключевую роль советских органов безопасности в создании различных разделений внутри буддийских общин.

Я.М. Неверов педагог и организатор просвещения на Северном Кавказе

Статья посвящена просветителю, педагогу, администратору Я. М. Неверову. В статье рассматривается этапы его становления под влиянием передовой интеллигенции XIX века, анализируется деятельность и вклад в просвещение горцев.

Я.М. Неверов педагог и организатор просвещения на Северном Кавказе

Статья посвящена просветителю, педагогу, администратору Я. М. Неверову. В статье рассматривается этапы его становления под влиянием передовой интеллигенции XIX века, анализируется деятельность и вклад в просвещение горцев.

The work of student clubs of universities of the Ukrainian SSR as a means of organizing leisure during the “Khrushchev thaw”

The article deals with the leisure of students of the Ukrainian SSR in 1953–1964 on the example Kyiv State University, Kharkov State University, Odessa State University, Lviv State University and Stalin State Pedagogical Institute. Attention is paid to the cultural recreation of students,the activities of student clubs in higher educational institutions andthework of various amateur art circles, which provide an opportunity for the comprehensive development of personality.

Organization of propaganda, cultural and educational work among Soviet repatriates (1944–1946)

In the Russian historical science there are almost no studies devoted to propaganda, mass cultural and educational activities of the Department of Plenipotentiary of Soviet Union on repatriation of Soviet citizens amongthe Soviet displaced persons duringthe Great Patriotic War and after it. The article analyzes the propaganda, mass cultural and educational work of the Administration of the Plenipotentiary of the USSR Council of People’s Commissars, political organs, the administration of collecting-transfer points and collection camps in 1944–1946.

Tank Battle near Prokhorovka: Key assessments and judgments in Modern Russian Historiography

The article examines the stereotypes of the course of the Battle of Kursk that have developed at different times, distorting the real historical picture. Various approaches to assessing the significance of the counterattack of the 5th Guards Tank Army near Prokhorovka have been investigated. Some contradictions and gaps of modern historical works are revealed. The article focuses on the exaggeration by the authors of historical works of the role of the new German Tiger tanks in the battles near Prokhorovka on July 12, 1943.

“Life is full of hard work alone…”: Alexei Ivanovich Mikhailovsky in the history of Kazan University

The article for the first time presents a biography and considers the circumstances of the tragic death of Alexei Ivanovich Mikhailovsky, a lecturer in English and a compiler of the fundamental three-volume reference book “Teachers who studied and served at the Imperial Kazan University (1804–1904)”. Attention is paid to the conditions of Mikhailovsky’s work on a reference book in connection with the preparations for the 100th anniversary of Kazan University.

A man and his time: The sovereign stolnik Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin

The article is devoted to the biography of one of the ordinary serving people of the XVII century Mikhail Fedorovich Oznobishin. The life path of the courtier is considered through the prism of his personal perception of such a moral concept as generic “honor”, which is reflected in the family pedigree compiled by Oznobishin in 1686. For the first time, information is given about some stages of his official career, as well as about the previously unknown voivode of Saratov, who became Oznobishin’s successor at the voivodeship.

Создание и деятельность трудового коллектива на правах артели «Община» при Таганрогском Институте научной организации производства (по материалам таганрогского филиала ГАРО)

В данной статье рассматривается деятельность Таганрогского Института научной организации производства на заключительном этапе существования организации, которая в числе разных направлений ее работы заключалась в создании трудового коллектива на правах артели «Община». Автором были выявлены причины ее создания, показаны основные направления ее работы, а также ее лидеры на основе архивных материалов, хранящихся в таганрогском филиале ГАРО.
