Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1819-4907 (Print)
ISSN 2542-1913 (Online)

Отечественная история

Handicraft cooperation of the European North, the Urals, the Volga region by the beginning of the 20th century

The article discussesthemain areas of work ofthe handicraft cooperation ofthe European North, the Urals and the Volga region. First of all, the activity of trade artels, which was associated withthe processing of agricultural products,the production of agriculturaltools, wood processing, is investigated, the interaction of handicraft artels with agricultural and credit cooperatives is studied. 

Contemporary Polish Historiography about Jozef Pilsudski and the Sanacja Camp

The article is devoted to the presentation in contemporary Polish historiography Jozef Pilsudski, as the organizer of the May 1926 coup d'etat in Poland, the leader of the sanacja camp and creator of the sanacja regime, as well as the characteristics of the sanacja camp. In this article are presented the opinions of the Polish authors in the latest studies on those problems and the main trends of contemporary Polish history science.

Budyonny Versus Babel: Political Aspects of Controversy

The paper deals with the political background of S.M. Budenny’s essay The Babism of Babel. Based on archival documents it establishes the fact of major political campaign against A.K. Voronsky, the Chief Editor of the magazine Krasnaya Nov being prepared in the autumn 1924. That campaign was only a part of the wider campaign aimed against L.D. Trotsky, the member of Political Bureau. K. Ye. Voroshilov, the closest Stalin’s supporter in his struggle for power, initiated Budenny’s essay as well as the number of yet unpublished works against Babel’s Red Cavalry. S.N.

Rumors about the Royal Treason in the Context of «Political Pornography» Russia on the Eve of the February Revolution

The paper addresses the problem of the influence of rumors about the royal treason and speech P.N. Milyukova November 1, 1916 on the formation of negative public opinion against the rulers. Based on the analysis of various sources has concluded that were distributed during the First World War, rumors of royal treachery, as part of a «political pornography», and speech Milyukova, along with other objective and subjective factors played a fatal role in the desecration of the royal power and the fall of the Russian monarchy.

F.M. Dostoevsky and Russian-Turkish war 1877–1878

In article sights of well-known Russian writer Feodor Mihajlovicha Dostoevsky at the Balkan crisis on the nature voo-ruzhennyh cataclysms are considered 1877–1878. As spend parallels in history of relations various political and public figures of Russia of 70th of XIX century from-nositelno Russian-Turkish war 1877–1878.

Islam in the State Religions Policy of the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century

The author of the article analyses the problems of the effective state policy regarding the different religions confessions. The fortunes of the Russian Empire depended on the solution of the problem of interrelations between the state and the different confessions because Russia was the most multi – confessional country of that period (time). The state authority had to take into account the specific character of the situation formed in such region as the North Caucasus.

French Traveler E. Valbezen about Englishmen in India in the Middle of the 19th Century

This article examines the image of India, as it was seen by the French traveler. The author primarily focused at his perception of British colonial policy and its negative consequences for India. The rivalry between France and Britain resulted, among other things, in the critical approach toward the British style of governance in Indian colonies, which was perceived as outrageous and hard for the natives.

The Socio-Political Views of P.‑Sh. Leveque (Problem of Russian «Civilization»)

In the article deals with socio-political views of one of brightest representatives of the French Enlightenment era, the historian of Russia P.-Sh. Leveque. The great interest is the analysis of the views by Leveque on the most urgent problems of state and public arrangement of Russia of the XVIIIth century: the reign of Peter I and Catherine II. In considering the topic judgments of the French historian with the ideals of the one of the leading philosophers of the Enlightenment era, D. Diderot were compared.

On Establishment of the Russian Censorship in the First Quarter of 18th century

The article examines the process of press censorship establishment in the environment of reforms that encompassed all spheres of life of the society in the first quarter of 18th century.

Ancient Potters in Light of the Theory of Activity

In clause the questions ancient potters in light of the theory of activity connected to process of interaction of the historian and a historical source are considered. Some problems of the historical-cultural and information approaches are considered on the basis of study of activity potters, knowledge of laws of formation of this motivation and product of his activity.
